From Jonathan Troy (1954)
From The brave cowboy (1956)
From Fire on the mountain (1962)
From Desert solitaire (1968). Cowboys ; The moon-eyed horse ; Havasu ; The dead man at Grandview Point ; Bedrock and paradox
From Appalachian wilderness (1970). Appalachia
From The Monkey Wrench Gang (1975). Seldom seen at home
From The journey home (1977). The great American desert ; Death Valley ; Manhattan twilight, Hoboken night ; Telluride blues
From Abbey's road (1979). Anna Creek ; The Outback ; A desert isle ; Sierra Madre ; Down there in the rocks ; Science with a human face ; In defense of the redneck ; Fire lookout ; The sorrows of travel
From Down the river (1982). Down the river with Henry Thoreau ; Watching the birds: the windhover ; Of protest ; My friend debris ; Floating
From The rites of spring (novel in progress)
From Beyond the wall: essays from the outside (1984). Down to the Sea of Cortez
From The fool's progress: an honest novel (1989). To the Mississippi
From Hayduke lives! (1990). Bonnie's return
From Earth apples: the poetry of Edward Abbey (1994). Flash flood ; Down the river ; A sonnet for Everett Ruess
From Confessions of a barbarian (1994). Selections from the journals.