a historical survey / David Stanley
PART I : The first folklorists
Folklore and the literary generation of the 1930s / Edward A. Geary
Hector Lee / David Stanley
Folklore and a Utah childhood / Hector Lee
Utah folklorist, international scholar / Barre Toelken
Austin and Alta Fife, pioneer folklorists / William A. Wilson
Lester Hubbard and the folksongs of Utah / Hal Cannon
Thomas Cheney and the dilemmas of Mormon folklore / George H. Schoemaker
Olive Woolley Burt, collector of murder ballads / Anne Reichman
Helen Papanikolas, folklorist of ethnicity / Yiorgos Anagnostou
PART II : The second and third generations of folklorists
"On being human": the legacy of William A. Wilson / George H. Schoemaker
Barre Toelken, folklorist of culture and performance / Matthew Irwin
Jan Harold Brunvand and the urban legend / Jacqueline S. Thursby
The third generation of Utah folklorists / Michael Christensen
PART III : Studies in Utah folklore and folklife
Native American folklore studies / Kathryn L. MacKay
Mormon folklore studies / Jull Terry Rudy
J. Golden Kimball narratives / Erica A. Eliason
Latino folklore studies / Sarah M. Rudd
Ethnic folklore studies / Philip F. Notarianni
Material culture studies / Carol A. Edison
Studies in Utah vernacular architecture / Thomas Carter
PART IV : Public programs
Public folklore in Utah / Elaine Thatcher
Under the big top : the Utah Humanities Council and folklore / Anne F. Hatch
Ethnic organizations and the maintenance of tradition / Craig R. Miller
The Folklore Society of Utah / David Stanley
Lessons of summer : The Fife Folklore Conference / Barbara Lloyd
Cultural tourism in Utah / Julie Hartley
Folklore in Utah's state and national parks / Karen Krieger.