disc 1. CC's intro (:52) ; Senorita (8:25) ; Menagerie (10:26) ; BF on the waltse (1:00) ; Waltse for Abby (8:25) ; CC and BF on Joban (1:37) ; Joban dna nopia (9:19) ; The climb (3:43) ; Mountain (5:30)
disc 2. Brazil (9:01) ; The enchantment (9:46) ; BF on bugle call (:16) ; Bugle call rag (3:38) ; CC and BF on Dutilleux (1:01) ; Prelude en berceuse (3:35) ; Children's song no. 6 (14:49) ; CC and BF on spectacle (2:22) ; Spectacle (6:34) ; Sunset Road (10:30) ; Armando's rhumba (3:51).