From the Book - First Avid Reader Press hardcover edition.
Section 1. Weird wild west. The weirdest parents in the world ; Why do we parent the way we do?
Section 2. Maya method. The most helpful kids in the world ; How to teach kids to do chores, voluntarily ; How to raise flexible, cooperative kids ; Master motivators: what's better than praise?
Section 3. Inuit emotional intelligence. Never in anger ; How to teach children to control their anger ; How to stop being angry at your child ; Introduction to parenting tools ; Tools for sculpting behavior: stories ; Tools for sculpting behavior: dramas
Section 4. Hadzabe health. How did our ancient ancestors parent ; The most confident kids in the world ; Ancient antidote for depression ; Sleep
Practical sections. Train helpfulness ; Train cooperation ; Learn to motivate children ; Learn to have less anger toward children ; Discipline without words ; Discipline with stories ; Discipline through dramas ; Boost confidence and self-reliance ; Build emotional support for the family (and give yourself a break)