1. Pinpointing the cause of your head, neck, shoulder, arm, back, and leg pain --
2. Headache : home treatment and prevention --
3. How to relieve neck, shoulder, and arm pain --
4. What you can do about back, hip, and leg pain --
5. How you can loosen and align your spinal joints safely and effectively --
6. How to eat to reduce body weith and relieve backache --
7. Protective and remedial exercise in a personalized back-care program --
8. How to handle spinal arthritis in a self-help program --
9. How to prevent back strain by using proper sitting, standing, lifting, and sleeping postures --
10. Preventing and easing back pain during pregnancy --
11. How to protect a painful back during sex and while pregnant --
12. Evaluating back and leg pain after middle age --
13. When you need the help of a specialist --
14. Sense and nonsense in chiropractic care of back pain --
15. Questions patients commonly ask about back trouble.