He's smart but his birds are sloppy : Japan picks an astronaut
Life in a box : the perilous psychology of isolation and confinement
Star crazy : can space blow your mind?
You go first : the alarming prospect of life without gravity
Unstowed : escaping gravity on board NASA's C-9
Throwing up and down : the astronaut's secret misery
The cadaver in the space capsule : NASA visits the crash test lab
One furry step for mankind : the strange careers of Ham and Enos
Next gas: 200,000 miles : planning a moon expedition is tough, but not as tough as planning a simulated one
Houston, we have a fungus : space hygiene and the men who stopped bathing for science
The horizontal stuff : what if you never got out of bed
The three-dolphin club : mating without gravity
Withering heights : bailing out from space
Separation anxiety : the continuing saga of zero-gravity elimination
Discomfort food : when veterinarians make dinner, and other tales of woe from aerospace test kitchens
Eating your pants : is Mars worth it?