Mango Languages is an online language learning system teaching actual conversation skills for a wide variety of languages. It’s the easiest way to learn to speak a foreign language.
Learning Express Library is an innovative, web-based learning solution that provides users, from elementary students to adult learners, with instant access to the most comprehensive collection of test preparation tools, skill-building materials, and career resources available.
Foundation Directory Online (FDO) delivers quality funding prospects. By combining exhaustive data with intuitive search functionality and informative data visualizations, FDO delivers the information you need to reach your fundraising goals.
Includes the following newspapers: Salt Lake Tribune, Deseret News, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, and more.
Utah Historical Quarterly is the official journal of Utah history, published on behalf of the Utah State Historical Society since 1928. UHQ's mission, from its earliest issues to the present, is to publish articles on all aspects of Utah history and to present Utah in the larger context of the West.
Andy and Shari from Back of Beyond Books and Jessie from the library recommend the best (and sometimes the worst) of what they've been reading and discuss all things literary.
The Castle Valley Times was a community newsletter published monthly from 1992 to 1998. All issues have been digitized and are freely available via Utah Digital Newspapers.
The Times Independent was formed in 1919 when two Moab newspapers, The Grand Valley Times and The Independent merged. Utah Digital newspapers offers free access to all issues published 1919 - 2005.
Access and download best-selling audiobooks, ebooks, digital magazines and videos from our OverDrive Beehive Library Consortium. Download the free Libby app to access content on your mobile devices. If you need assistance, please contact the library.
If you are new to computers, haven't used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, we have the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.
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The Moab Museum is featuring the photograph collection of Fran and Terby Barnes. Francis A. "Fran" Barnes (1922-2003) was an avid traveler and photogrpher who invested most of his life from 1965 onward devoted to documenting the natural wonders of the desert southwest surrounding Moab, Utah.