Cosmo's Corner: 2020-2021 Cosmo declared himself a library cat in 2018 when he selected the Grand County Public Library as his home. In the spring of 2020, when the library buidling was closed, Cosmo began contributing a weekly column to the Moab Sun
Cosmo became a library cat in 2018 when he walked into the Grand County Public Library in Moab and decided it was his home. In the spring of 2020, when the library buidling was closed, Cosmo began contributing a weekly column to the Moab Sun News to
Utah Historical Quarterly is the official journal of Utah history, published on behalf of the Utah State Historical Society since 1928. UHQ's mission, from its earliest issues to the present, is to publish articles on all aspects of Utah history and to present Utah in the larger context of the West.
The Castle Valley Times was a community newsletter published monthly from 1992 to 1998. All issues have been digitized and are freely available via Utah Digital Newspapers.
The Times Independent was formed in 1919 when two Moab newspapers, The Grand Valley Times and The Independent merged. Utah Digital newspapers offers free access to all issues published 1919 - 2005.
The Moab Museum is featuring the photograph collection of Fran and Terby Barnes. Francis A. "Fran" Barnes (1922-2003) was an avid traveler and photogrpher who invested most of his life from 1965 onward devoted to documenting the natural wonders of the desert southwest surrounding Moab, Utah.
Beginning in 1989 Moab Museum directors, an Editorial Board, and a multitude of regional experts selected story topics and wrote, edited, and published well researched and highly readable stories about life on the Colorado Plateau.
Explore thousands of vintage and contemporary photographs, diaries and letters, oral history interviews, films, and maps which document the history and development of the Colorado Plateau from ancient cultures to the present.